Cornell is a global leader in sustainability and climate change research, teaching and engagement. Our campuses are living laboratories for developing, testing and implementing solutions that address these most challenging issues.
33%Faculty engaged in sustainability research
#1Ivy League institution in sustainability ratings
25+LEED certified buildings
40+Student-founded sustainability clubs
90%Dairy products used in dining halls come from local producers
37majors and minors focused on sustainability
78Switch如何科学上网 | winsky小站:2021-12-8 · 双十一前妹子从日本买了心心念的 Switch ,最近周末空了终于装好了想玩一玩。然鹅,由于某些不可描述的原因,上面的游戏下载始终在龟速,忍无可忍,于是便想着给 Switch 搞个梯子,一键起飞。 本文利用 ShadowsocksX-NG 提供的 HTTP 伕理服务器来实现 Switch 翻墙。这是现有条件下的被迫解决方案,需要 ...
20%Campus electricity comes from renewables
For more thought leaders in sustainability, contact:
Office of Media Relations
Our campuses are living laboratories for sustainability and climate change research.
- Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise
- Community and Rural Development Institute
- Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
- Cornell Center for Social Sciences
- Cornell Climate Smart Solutions Program
- 求一个电脑上能用的梯子
- Cornell Energy Systems Institute
- Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
- New York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse
- Northeast Regional Climate Center
- Building Energy Dashboard
- Green Your Event
- Green Your Office or Lab
- Green Teams
- Staff Sustainability Champions
- Student Green Guide
- Sustainability Clubs
- Sustainability Courses
- Sustainability Events
- Sustainability Research
- Sustainable Campus Website
- Sustainable Cornell Council